
编辑:缅华网 文章类型:观点时评 发布于2018-03-31 11:28:19 共1488人阅读
文章导读 吴温敏担任总统与缅甸局势

刘蕴 翰悦缅甸评论



    刘蕴:The discussion about the replacement has been around for a while so this was well expected, It should have a fairly limited impact on the political equation in Myanmar.有关总统更换的问题已经讨论多时,这是外界充分预料到的事情。该事件对缅甸政局影响有限。


    德国新闻社Was Htin Kyaw’s presidency a success?廷觉的总统任期是否成功?

    刘蕴:Essentially I do not think his presidency was a success. He was chosen by ASSK to fill this position as a interim arrangement. He ruled more or less as a pure puppet of the lady. 实实在在地说我认为他担任总统一职并不成功。昂山素季挑选他只是一个临时安排。他在行动上也完全是一个礼仪性质的总统。

    德国新闻社:What does the change in presidency mean for Aung San Suu Kyi and her role “above” the presidency?此次更换总统对昂山素季意味着什么?

    刘蕴:I believe ASSK plans to "delegate" more authority to the coming president, but she will still be "above" the president. 我认为昂山素季的计划是让新任总统拥有更大权力,但是她仍然“在总统之上”。

    德国新闻社:What does it mean for the military? 这对军方意味着什么?

    刘蕴:For military, the political landscape of power-sharing has not changed. However, they must prepared to deal with a more ambitious president. 对军方来说,政治权力的分配格局没有改变。但是军方必须准备好迎接一位雄心勃勃的总统。

    德国新闻社:How can we expect Win Myint’s leadership style to differ from Htin Kyaw’s and what will this mean for Myanmar? 温敏的执政风格会与廷觉有何不同,这对缅甸有何影响?

    刘蕴:Unlike Htin Kyaw, Win Myint will lead this country not only as a president empowered by the consititution, but also a successor to the lady.  与廷觉不同,温敏领导国家的身份不仅仅是宪法授权的总统,还将是昂山素季的接班人。

    德国新闻社:What does Win Myint’s election say about the balance of power in Myanmar? 温敏的当选对缅甸的权力平衡有何影响?

    刘蕴:His presidency will not change Myanmar's status of internal power divisions.温敏的当选不会改变缅甸的权力分配现状。


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