
编辑:中国外交部 文章类型:综合资讯 发布于2021-11-22 12:42:33 共1355人阅读
文章导读 亚洲新闻台记者:在即将召开的中国—东盟建立对话关系30周年纪念峰会上,中国对有关南海问题的讨论和“南海行为准则”磋商有何期待?……



CNA: Regarding the upcoming China-ASEAN summit, what are China's expectations when it comes to discussions on the South China Sea and the Code of Conduct? One more question, a recent report citing diplomatic sources said that a Chinese envoy has lobbied ASEAN states to let Myanmar military chief attend the summit next week. But this has been met with opposition from ASEAN countries. What is your comment on this?


Zhao Lijian: On your first question, I just talked about China's expectations for the ASEAN-China Special Summit to Commemorate the 30th Anniversary of ASEAN-China Dialogue Relations. Regarding your specific question, China and ASEAN maintain diplomatic communication. The overall situation in the South China Sea is tranquil.


On your second question, Sun Guoxiang, Special Envoy for Asian Affairs of China's Ministry of Foreign Affairs, visited Myanmar and other ASEAN countries recently. China actively supports Myanmar, an important member of the ASEAN family, in working together with ASEAN to implement the five-point consensus on Myanmar reached by ASEAN. This year marks the 30th anniversary of the establishment of the ASEAN-China Dialogue Relations. Both sides hope to take this summit as an opportunity to strive for greater development of the bilateral relations.


CRI: On November 17, the IAEA Director General Rafael Grossi released two reports on the Iranian nuclear issue, introducing Iran's implementation of its nuclear-related commitments under the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) and on matters related to verification and monitoring of Iran's nuclear activities. Grossi has accepted an invitation to visit Iran. Do you have any comment?


Zhao Lijian: I have noted relevant reports. China hopes that the IAEA and Iran can properly resolve differences on monitoring and verification through dialogue and consultation on the basis of mutual respect. We also call on all relevant parties to play a constructive role in this regard.


China always believes that upholding and implementing the JCPOA is the only effective way to resolve the Iranian nuclear issue. All parties should step up diplomatic efforts and take concrete actions to push for a smooth restart of negotiations on resuming compliance with the JCPOA and achieve positive results. We also hope that relevant parties bear in mind the overall interest, be rational and exercise restraint, and avoid disrupting diplomatic efforts to advance the negotiations.


Bloomberg: SCMP has reported that travelers from Hong Kong will be allowed to enter China's mainland without quarantine starting from the first week of December. Could the foreign ministry confirm this? And is there any update on cross-border travel?


Zhao Lijian: I'm not aware of the situation you mentioned. I will come back to you later since I may need to check with my colleagues.


Kyodo News: Which official will be representing Myanmar at the ASEAN-China Special Summit to Commemorate the 30th Anniversary of ASEAN-China Dialogue Relations upon China's invitation?


Zhao Lijian: Good question. China and Myanmar are in communication and we will release information in due course if there's any.


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