梨和加熱過的梨汁排出體內致癌物質(新加坡 焕然 推荐)

编辑:缅华网 文章类型:健康 发布于2012-08-03 21:26:57 共2543人阅读
文章导读 梨和加熱過的梨汁排出體內致癌物質(新加坡 焕然 推荐)


Pear & heated Pear Juice helps to discharge carcinogenic substances from the body

新加坡 焕然 推荐 

    Seoul National University of Medicine Division of Preventive Medicine research team led by Professor Yang Meixi in September last year released a report saying that eating a pear after meal, can discharge a lot of carcinogenic substances accumulated in the human body.

    Survey result indicates that smoking or eating grilled & roasted meat, the carcinogenic polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in the body will be significantly lower after eating a pear.

    研究人員對吸菸者進行了試驗, 讓他們在4天內連續每天吃750g左右的梨﹐並測定吃梨前後小便中多環芳香烴的代謝產物1-羥基芘含量。
    The researchers conducted tests on the smokers – they let them take 750g of pear per day for a consecutive of 4 days and also measure the content of PAH (polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon ) metabolites 1-hydroxypyrene in the urine before and after eating the pear.

    Tests revealed that eating a pear 6 hours after smoking, a lot of the 1-hydroxypyrene inside the human blood will be excreted via the urine. If you do not eat a pear, only a very small amount of 1-hydroxypyrene toxin will be discharged.

    Result of the findings indicates that heated pear juice contains a lot more anti-cancer substances ─ Polyphenol.

    Give the mice, injected with carcinogen, drink the pear juice; the mice’s urine will discharge a large amount of 1-hydroxypyrene toxin, thus preventing cancer.

    "梨和加熱過的梨汁﹐都有加速排出體內致癌物質的功能! "
    "Pear and heated pear juice, both have the function to accelerate the discharge of the carcinogenic substances from the body!"

    Expert Suggestion
    “People, keen on eating grilled and snack foods, of today; eating a pear after meal can considered as a worthy recommended healthy lifestyle."




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