
编辑:缅甸采购 文章类型:缅甸新闻 发布于2024-03-21 12:45:31 共1071人阅读
文章导读 据缅甸缅文媒体NP News报道,缅甸国管委(SAC)报告说,目前正在尝试从中国获得资金,用于设计新的木姐-曼德勒铁路项目。……


据缅甸缅文媒体NP News报道,缅甸国管委(SAC)报告说,目前正在尝试从中国获得资金,用于设计新的木姐-曼德勒铁路项目。

据报道,中铁二院工程集团有限责任公司 (China Railway EryuanEngineering Group Co. Ltd(CREEC)已向SAC提交了一份最终报告,其中包括木姐-曼德勒铁路项目的财务模型和可行性研究。

缅甸交通和通信部长U Aung Myaing主持由SAC组织的委员会,负责对拟议的财务模型进行财务评估。







据报道,新的木姐-曼德勒铁路建设项目包括建造 124 座桥梁、60 条隧道和 11 座发电站。





Hsu/ Munich (NP News) - Mar 20

The State Administration Council (SAC) reports that attempts are underway to secure funding from China for the design of the new Muse-Mandalay railway project.

China Railway Eryuan Engine­ering Group Company (CREEC) has reportedly submitted a final report to the SAC including a financial model and feasibility study, for the Muse-Mandalay railway project.

Minister for Transport and Communications U Aung Myaing chairs the committee organized by the SAC, tasked with conducting financial evaluations for the proposed Financial Model.

A financial committee establi­shed by the SAC is reviewing the expenses outlined in the report submitted by the Chinese company for the Muse-Mandalay railway project.

In addition to the financial evaluation, the committee is exploring options to secure a low-interest loan for project implementation and seeking Chinese grant assistance to facilitate the detailed design phase of the new Muse-Mandalay railway project.

The committee is reportedly evaluating the estimated cost of supplying electricity through the Muse-Mandalay railway.

An official stated to The NP News, "Upon the completion of the Muse-Lashio-Mandalay railway, the export and import of goods and commodities can be done with reasonable expense.

Trade by rail will significantly reduce costs, which is beneficial for both individuals and business owners."

In addition, the Government-to-Government Coordination Framework has been drafting for the smoother implementation of the project.

The new Muse-Mandalay Railway Construction project reportedly includes the construction of 124 bridges, 60 tunnels, and 11 power stations.

The new Muse-Mandalay Railway Construction project will span over 400 kilometers and is estimated to cost over 8 billion USD.

A Memorandum of Under­standing (MoU) for a feasibility study on the Muse-Mandalay railway project was signed in October 2018 between Myanmar's Ministry of Transport and Communications and China Railway Eryuan Engineering Group Co. Ltd (CREEC).

Upon completion, the Muse-Mandalay railway will connect Mandalay to the commercial hub of central Myanmar via Muse on the Sino-Myanmar border and become part of the China-Myanmar Economic Corridor.


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